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The Content Waterfall

Dear Readers,

Do you experience a content waterfall on your blog?

Picture this:

A bit of water (ideas) backs up in a small pond (your blog). The water trickles down from a mountain. It doesn’t exactly go anywhere, because there are sticks and some shrubs keeping it in place (this can be the natural struggles bloggers face).

Well, the water keeps on coming.

It slowly forms itself into a lake. There is now a current! (traffic, interaction, engagement). This little pond that was once only a few drops now has its own force, and nobody knows where it came from.


All of a sudden, one day, that final drop falls into our lake and the shrubs can’t hold back any more. In a loud burst the water rushes. Everyone watches as our once small pond pours into lands it never ever should have encountered (audience).

The water travels for about a year, or two, until it reaches a cliff. At this point, it has all the momentum. Yet, it could just form another lake.

Instead, it becomes a beautiful waterfall.

On a blog, the difference between a lake and a waterfall could be tiny. One more eBook, one more post, one Tweet. It can even just one idea be one idea you suddenly jot down, that creates a new surge in traffic, which launches your blog into waterfall.

Momentum is key here.

We’ll never know exactly what “one thing” makes all the difference. But it leads to automation. It creates a current, beyond your control, beautiful to watch, empowering beyond our dreams. It might just be what we’re all searching for as we stare at our laptops late into the night.

Wikipedia says waterfalls are commonly formed when a river is young. Are you experiencing a content waterfall?

p.s. New post next week on personal emails…

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