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How to Be a Positive Blogger When the World Appears to Crumble Around You

I am *in* the world.

But observing the examples of holy men, sages and mystics, I intend not to be *of* the world.

This means, I live a worldly life. I do have some attachment to people, money and a few physical possessions. But beyond that, I crave little, so the world and its many people do not influence me. I am happy as is. Why? Being in the world but less and less of the world helps you navigate mass fear, sheer panic and other states of mind currently creating a sense of chaos. The world *appears* to be crumbling right now. But like all illusions – based in fear – the truth is health, love, harmony and wellness. The fear in human minds has spread to human minds, and is being manifest in some bodies as the virus, but it’s all fear. Not Love. Dis-ease cannot grow in genuine Love.

Being in the world but not of it means you maintain a calm, peaceful sense of confidence because you largely faced, felt and released your fears, while humanity (being triggered by fears they refused to face, embrace and release) panics, falling prey to manipulative, fear-based headlines. You can find utter peace and happiness while the world around you desperately lives in chaos and madness, shining a bright light for all to see, to feed off of, to follow. Your choice. But you need to go within, to achieve this state.

Part of being compassionate is having empathy for the sick and dying while telling the truth of the matter: while following federal and state laws, honoring social distancing, give 99.99% of your attention and energy to love, health, generosity and kindness.I am in the physical world but not bound to, influenced by, or molded by the physical world. Why? I spend 4 hours daily:

  • meditating
  • doing Kriya yoga
  • power walking
  • doing yin yoga
  • spending 30 seconds in an icy cold shower (talk to your doctor first)

This is how I am a positive blogger while the world appears to crumble around me. Each of these practices forces me to face, feel and release my fears, so my being is more and more love, ease (versus dis-ease) health and wellness. Managing my energy for 4 hours helps me:

  • unearth
  • face
  • feel
  • release fears

so I am not influenced by illusions OF the world, because I have not the fear in me, to be triggered by virus headlines or the natural process of death. Death is a door to the next life. Sickness is a purifying, cleansing agent, for the more fearless. Every single headline simply triggers your fears for feeling, and releasing, to purify your mind. But if you turn around when faced with fear – like most of humanity – the fear festers, grows stronger, creates disease and mental illness, if you suppress it enough, or gets triggered during the next pandemic 10 years down the road, or when your mom gets diagnosed with a terminal illness, or when you face death, down the road.

I am largely a loving, compassionate, fun-loving blogger because although I honor stay at home rules here in New Jersey, there is no fear in me that matches the virus, so I do not resonate with reading and following the news. 99.99999999999% of the time, what kills people? Repressed fear, manifest as mental and/or physical illness. But if you face, feel and release most fears, you repress few fears, so when people living in the world and *of* the world feel unaddressed fears triggered by headlines, you observe it all like a movie from the cheap seats, a human drama.

The world crumbles in illusion-fear, while you sit on the truth-love of a a granite-like, rock solid foundation.

I am a positive blogger because I spend hours purging fears, following my love (blogging, serving and traveling) and maintaining full resonance with, ease, health, wellness and peace, and I have ZERO resonance with dis-ease, sickness, un-fit-ness, and mental chaos. Do you think a guy like me has any desires to read headlines designed to trigger fear in human beings? No rich old guy running a news network can push my fear button; it’s not there. Since where your attention and energy goes, grows, I give it to love, healing, generous service, peace and abundance. I give virtually none to fear and dis-ease, because why would I want these energies to expand in an already panicked, frenzied, general public?

Guys; I love you. I send healing energies out to all. Like you, I am honoring state laws. No; I have not Jesus-like or Buddha-like powers of instantly healing people of sickness, or of raising folks from the dead. But I do know that Love is Real, fear is illusion, and the more we face, feel and release our fears, the fear-illusion of worldly chaos manifest as a mind virus, then, physical virus, will gracefully transition toward health, wellness and peace.

Our collective conscious creates it all.

Do your part.

Face, feel and release your fears, so the virus thingee ceases mirroring your fears back toward you.

I suggest ramping up your meditating and Kriya yoga sessions, if you haven’t already started with each.

Light and Love to all 🙂

Ryan Biddulph blogs about escaping to a life of island hopping and blogging for a living at As a regular contributor to the blog, he writes about mental strength, blogging inspiration and tips to become a better blogger each day. Stuck on your blog? Grab one of his blogging eBooks to get you through it and find light at the end of the tunnel.

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