Bluehost Coupon: 65% Off ($2.65/mo Hosting)

bluehost logoFounded in 1996, Bluehost has rapidly become the #1 web host for WordPress users recommended both bloggers, website owners and by WordPress themselves. The reason Bluehost is so highly regarded could be that everyone one of their plans is tailored for WordPress, their high-quality customer service, their ease of use of their 30 day money-back guarantee. It’s hard to pick a reason at Bluehost, but easy to pick them! Today, DearBlogger users can get 65% off Bluehost, meaning you get hosting for $2.65/month instead of $7.99. The discount extends over 3 years. You can also get a free domain name for 1 year. All you have to do is click below to claim the best Bluehost discount.

EXCLUSIVE COUPON CODE   💲 ClickHere 💲   (click to activate & open site)

Last used 3 hours ago     Bluehost review by: Greg Narayan     Rating: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

How To Use The Bluehost Coupon (get 65% off)

To begin, the first thing you need to is visit the Bluehost website through our link. This will automatically apply the Bluehost discount code and make sure you don’t get lost.

You’ll see a message that says “Exclusive offer for fans of DearBlogger”. Now whether you’re a fan or not it won’t hurt my feelings 🙂 I just want to make sure you get the discount.

Click “Get Started Now”.

Next, choose a plan (we recommend Basic) and click “select”.

Then enter your Domain Name and click “Next”.

Now, on the Create your account page, you’ll enter your Account Information, Package Information, Package Extras and Payment Information.

The trick here which will get you up to the full 65% off is to change the Account Plan drop down menu under Package Information to a different month length, then bring your mouse to the browser close X button, and Bluehost will now show you this:

Just click on “Claim Savings” and you’ll see your price now drop to $2.65/mo. Awesome work!

Make sure to click this link to get to the correct screens to begin. If it doesn’t work for you, please quit and reopen your browser us our Bluehost link.

We hope you enjoy your Bluehost coupon discount!

Please follow the video below to learn how to install WordPress at Bluehost and create a WordPress blog.

How was your experience with Bluehost? Good or bad? Let us know how you feel by posting a Bluehost review down below! Thanks guys!

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