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GoDaddy GoCentral vs. Get Web Hosting Issue

Our loving community of readers and viewers challenge us each day on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In DearBlogger Answers™ we try to deliver a helpful response. Please help out and add your opinions & experiences below!

On Tuesday a YouTuber asked:

In a few days I need to renew all my products with Godaddy. My question is can I purchase the hosting with Hostgator and start building my wordpress website right now? Or do I have to wait for my year with Gocentral website ends and then transfer or how that works? Thanks! – From “Learned So Much Today”

DearBlogger Answers:

If you have a GoDaddy domain name with renewal soon and free GoDaddy GoCentral package, you do not have to wait until anything at GoDaddy renews or expires to register hosting at a different web host nor do you have to wait to install WordPress.

Keep in mind you should always auto-renew domain names you plan to keep. Also, WPMUDEV recommends you pick a different host than your domain registrar.

Some Further Details You Ought to Know:

Your GoCentral year will end as usual. You simply need to setup a basic web hosting package then enter your new web host’s nameservers at GoDaddy to connect domain with hosting. Wait a little while for propagation. Then you can proceed to install WordPress, login, blog, enjoy WordPress in all it’s glory!

Lastly, the Steps to Take:

  1. Register domain (you likely already did this)
  2. Setup self hosting aka registing a web hosting plan
  3. Enter your web host’s nameservers sent via email at GoDaddy
  4. Login to your web host’s customer portal and install WordPress
  5. It may take up to 72 hours during propagation for your WordPress site to appear on your domain name.

My Response on YouTube

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If that helped at all please make sure to subscribe and like. Let me know your questions on YouTube for a quick answer or a feature like this. Thanks for watching and reading, because I really enjoy making these short answers for you guys (even when I should be making longer videos that pay the bills around here).

We hope that helps! Let us know in the comments!

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